Web Application Architecture Review and Threat Assessment

Web Application Architecture Your Clients Can Rely On

Application developers and owners face increasing pressure to identify and mitigate the vulnerabilities within their application’s architecture and prove it is secure to customers and other stakeholders.

A Web Application Architecture Review and Threat Assessment conducted by Pivot Point Security in accordance to the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) framework identifies all possible vulnerabilities/risks and measures the security of existing controls against best-practice control implementations.

The benefits of assessing your web application’s architecture include:

A major reduction in your web application’s attack surface
Reduced financial and reputational risk associated with data breaches and other cyber attacks
Ability to prove to stakeholders that your application is secure
Support for compliance with regulations and information security standards
Helps ensure the application meets business needs and achieves performance and usability goals
Elimination of hard-to-fix vulnerabilities introduced during design
Reduced development costs associated with bug fixes and rework
Helps fine-tune your application security requirements


Why is a web application architecture review important?

Security weaknesses at the architecture level expose the application and its users to a wide range of cyber threats, including everything from data breaches and data exfiltration to customer account takeovers, fraud and performance problems. While often overlooked, architecture review is among the most critically important aspects of securing web applications.

When should a web application architecture review take place?

Security weaknesses at the architecture level expose the application and its users to a wide range of cyber threats, including everything from data breaches and data exfiltration to customer account takeovers, fraud and performance problems. While often overlooked, architecture review is among the most critically important aspects of securing web applications.

What does a web application architecture review look at?

Security weaknesses at the architecture level expose the application and its users to a wide range of cyber threats, including everything from data breaches and data exfiltration to customer account takeovers, fraud and performance problems. While often overlooked, architecture review is among the most critically important aspects of securing web applications.

How does a web application architecture review differ from a penetration test?

Security weaknesses at the architecture level expose the application and its users to a wide range of cyber threats, including everything from data breaches and data exfiltration to customer account takeovers, fraud and performance problems. While often overlooked, architecture review is among the most critically important aspects of securing web applications.

What’s Next?

If you are looking for a solution to ease customer security concerns and address your applications’ security risk, reach out! Our clients are often able to find and fix issues early in the SLDC because they have a complete list of risks and threats in the application.

Pivot Point Security has helped many organizations prove their applications are secure and give developers peace of mind that they are building secure applications.

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