Penetration Testing

Prove You are Secure from Malicious Activities Both Inside & Out

Whether you need to prove regulatory compliance, satisfy a request from your boss, or need to show security maturity to a client (or clients), a penetration test is a great mechanism to accomplish your goals.

What is a Penetration Test?

Penetration testing, also known as Ethical Hacking, is a method of evaluating the security of your network infrastructure, i.e. computer systems, networks, people or applications – by simulating an attack from malicious outsiders (unauthorized) and/or malicious insiders (authorized) to identify attack vectors, vulnerabilities and control weaknesses. It involves the use of a variety of manual techniques supported by automated tools and looks to exploit known vulnerabilities.

Our experienced testers identify specific weaknesses in an organization’s security operation. By safely attempting to discover and exploit the vulnerabilities of your network, applications, people, and more, we find the “leaks” in your system before damage occurs.

What do you want to test?

Do I really need a Penetration Test?

This might sound like a ridiculous question but please hear us out…

Penetration testing is often confused with other forms of technical security testing, particularly Vulnerability Assessments. The information obtained, effort required, and cost are very different between these two assessments. Please don’t go and pay for a penetration test when all you may need is a vulnerability assessment. We have seen too many organizations burned by security companies because they were sold a bag of goods they did not need.

Why Pivot Point Security?

Pivot Point Security is a leader in penetration testing and vulnerability assessment (as well as ISO 27001 consulting, ISO 22301 consulting, ISMS consulting, and more!). We have been providing the most advanced security testing services since 2001 and have helped thousands of companies validate that they are secure and their business-critical information is safe. As an industry leader, we are committed to maintaining the highest levels of training and certifications for all of our security testing experts.

Our Suite of Pen Testing Services

We offer a comprehensive array of penetration testing services to make it simple for you to validate that all avenues of access to your critical data are secured. Tap on the following tabs to explore our menu of offerings.

What is a Network Penetration Test?

Network vulnerability assessments and penetration tests are intended to validate that your external (public) and internal (private) computer systems are secure. It highlights vulnerabilities and/or provides a measure of the probability that the vulnerabilities can be exploited (and if so what the impact would be to your organization).

Benefits of Network Penetration Testing

Pro-actively classifies your system’s weaknesses without actually compromising it, and demonstrates compliance with relevant standards, laws and regulations (HIPAA, PCI DSS, NERC, etc.).
Learn more about Network Penetration Testing from Pivot Point Security.

Sample  Network Vulnerability Assessment Report

What is Application Penetration Testing?

Verify and validate the security of your company’s critical software and applications with Application Pen Tests. This process simulates a real-life attack on your application’s security controls to gain access to sensitive data.
Application Vulnerability Assessments are typical first steps and will help determine the risk associated with a given application. For testing less critical or low-risk apps (when hands-on testing is not justified) these assessments may be the only process needed. However, a vulnerability assessment can also be used as an information-gathering mechanism to focus the subsequent penetration testing or code reviews.

Benefits of Application Penetration Testing

Application Pen Tests and Vulnerability Assessments will identify hidden risks posed by your applications to your overall system and company. Our hands-on approach provides intelligent and customized responses, avoids false positives, and demonstrates the effects of actual vulnerabilities within an application. These tests are often integrated into certification and accreditation exercises.
Learn more about Application Penetration Testing from Pivot Point Security.

Download this free resource:

Application Security Webinar

What is Database Penetration Testing?

Database Vulnerability Assessments and Database Penetration Tests focus on the security of the database(s) that store your most sensitive information. These processes provide assurance that the configuration of the database is consistent with your security objectives and effectively manages the risk associated with malicious access by employees, consultants, or hackers.

Why it Matters

Database pen tests and vulnerability assessments proactively and systematically achieve database security by reducing the risk associated with both web and database-specific attacks. These processes also support compliance with relevant standards, laws & regulations.
Learn more about Application Penetration Testing from Pivot Point Security.

What is Wireless (WLAN) Penetration Testing?

Wireless Network Security Assessments provide assurance that the Wireless Access Point (AP) and host (e.g., laptops) network adapter configurations are optimized to limit key risks associated with wireless networking (e.g., rogue access points, unauthorized access, network bridging, sniffing).

Why it Matters

Providing end users with freedom and mobility associated with WLAN is increasingly viewed as a “need to have” creating an additional network security concern. Because radio waves can travel through ceilings, floors, and walls, transmitted data often reaches unintended recipients on different floors/outside the building.
Learn more about Wireless Penetration Testing from Pivot Point Security.
LLAN Security Testing is included in annual FDIC auditing for the Financial Industry.

What is Physical Penetration Testing?

The most basal form of Information Security is physical security. Our Physical Pen Tests provide assurance that key Physical Security Controls (e.g., access cards, security guards, tailgate sensors, man-locks, and security cameras) are effective at minimizing the risk associated with unauthorized access into portions of the facility that may provide access to sensitive information.

Why it Matters

A failure of the physical security controls can immediately result in the theft of a laptop, access to an internal network, access to a wiring closet, or even access to a data center.
Learn more about Physical Penetration Testing from Pivot Point Security.

What is Social Engineering Penetration Testing?

Social Engineering exercises are intended to assess the likelihood that an organization’s employees can be “tricked” into providing information or access to sensitive information. Common attack models include tailgating (physical access), phishing emails to gather sensitive information, and “vishing” calls (voice phishing) to try to gain information or access via password resets.

Why it Matters

A social pen test will help you gauge the human element of your IT security. Many hackers use social engineering to con employees into circumstances that leave your valuable assets and information at risk. A penetration test with social elements will help you identify and train vulnerable segments of your workforce.
Learn more about Social Engineering Penetration Testing from Pivot Point Security.

Download Related Pen Testing Resources

Sample Report:

  • External Vulnerability Assessment (sample)

Free PDFs:

  • Ready for a Pen Test? (Infographic)
  • vCISO Implementation Roadmap
  • ISO 27001 Roadmap

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